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One of the most original Phalaenopsis orchid varieties available. The cream tone of its petals, dotted with pink speckles, is reminiscent of tiger skin, which gives it a touch that sets it apart from the rest. It is also very easy to care for.
Tiger Claw

Tiger Orchid

48 reviews
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This was the first time I have used FloraQueen and I found making my order very easy. I received helpful follow up messages updating me on my order. My orchid arrived on time and I was told it was lovely! All in all I'm very happy with the service and will definitely use FloraQueen again in future.
Helen Mangham
Easy to place my order and it was delivered the day specified.
Megumi Otani
Very nice flowers received on time. Thank you
Martin Ginette
The fact that I was updated on the various steps of delivery. It seems the recipients were pleased with the gift, and upon their description, I was pleased as well. Good job.
Carla Mastropierro