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Por que este buquê é especial

A escolha de pessoas apaixonadas. Os tons intensos das gérberas se misturam com perfeição em um design com tons suaves e distintos de Almodovar. Este arranjo de flores exala personalidade e é ideal para dar aquele toque despreocupado a qualquer ambiente.
Coquetel colorido

Gérberas cor-de-rosa e vermelhas

90 de avaliações
PremiumTorne sua surpresa ainda maior adicionando mais hastes ao seu buquê.
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*Dependendo do país de entrega, o preço pode mudar.

very timely and super cute
Sydney Bellamy
To be honest i was hesitant at the begging to order from floraqueen because there was many bad revies about them and there rating experience was not that high i think 2.9, but after my last experience they did a great job, the delivered in time and and the payment was smooth and flowers looked very nice
S. Sh
The delivery was on time, the flowers were fresh and the service was very good.
Arrived on time and the flowers were really nice thank you
Paul Milner