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The word kokedama means "moss ball" and is a centuries-old Japanese technique of planting a plant in a natural pot made of moss
planting a plant in a natural pot made of moss. This
Tillandsia Kokedama is elegant and colourful, a beautiful detail handmade by Omotesandō Plants that looks great in any corner of your home. You can complement your kokedama with a slate base.


Watering: It needs to be watered once a week in winter and every five days in summer

summer. To water it, the moss ball should be immersed in water for two minutes
minutes. The kokedama will absorb the water it needs.

Light: It needs indirect sunlight.


You will be able to enjoy a piece of nature inside your home

Tillandsia kokedama is colourful and stands out wherever you put it

It is super easy to care for

Tillandsia Kokedama

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January 1 January 1