shutterstock 1613888218 FloraQueen EN Get Yourself a Trip by Planting Egyptian Flowers

Get Yourself a Trip by Planting Egyptian Flowers

Ancient Egypt is a wonderland. No previous civilization has captivated the minds of both experts and normal people like the Egyptians did. Its origins, religion and monumental architecture with the colossal temples, the pyramids, and the enormous Sphinx are full of mystery. The Egyptian pyramids are the most popular of all the antiquity monuments and […]

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shutterstock 150420260 FloraQueen EN Flowers Safe For Cats Are Easy To Find

Flowers Safe For Cats Are Easy To Find

Flowers are much loved by most people all over the world. A large number of them have some type of flower in their houses. They make them feel peaceful, happy, and relaxed. They may have friendly animals at home too. One of the most popular animals people have in their home are cats, especially kittens, […]

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shutterstock 1302306319 FloraQueen EN Getting a Flowers Discount at a Great Price

Getting a Flowers Discount at a Great Price

Buying flowers can be a fun and exciting feeling. You can pick out your favorite flowers and colors for whatever occasion. But it is an even greater feeling when you can purchase them at a lower price. In doing so, you can accomplish so much without having to sacrifice a lot from your wallet. So, […]

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shutterstock 1653285364 FloraQueen EN Flowers and their Meanings

Flowers and their Meanings

Flowers are historically known to be symbolic. It is in their nature. Since ancient civilizations, flowers have been used in literature, music, and art to serve the purpose of providing a deeper meaning. While only a few flowers had dedicated symbolic meanings earlier in history, it was during the Victorian Era that plant symbolism exploded, […]

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shutterstock 1569808405 FloraQueen EN Larkspurs for Learners and Beginners

Larkspurs for Learners and Beginners

Larkspur are beautiful perennial flowers that grow in brilliant colors. They are commonly known for their bright blue petals, but they also come in forms of red, white, purple, and pink. Larkspurs are uniquely shaped- the flowers are displayed vertically on each stem. There are different species of larkspur, so there are different petal shapes. […]

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shutterstock 521221795 FloraQueen EN Daffodils: All You Want to Know About this Popular Flower

Daffodils: All You Want to Know About this Popular Flower

Daffodils are one of the most popular flowers in the world- and for good reason. They have a unique and interesting shape that is said to be trumpet-like. Daffodils have about six triangular petals that form around an extended corona in the center. In addition, the daffodil’s beauty is identifiable through its bright colors that […]

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shutterstock 791303800 FloraQueen EN Getting to Know the Frangipani Flower

Getting to Know the Frangipani Flower

The Frangipani is a tropical flower that grows from trees or shrubs and display subtle yet gorgeous colors. The flowers bloom between the months of March and October, or during the warmer seasons of the year. They originate from Mexico, South America, the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. Therefore, they grow best in warmer and more […]

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shutterstock 517285561 FloraQueen EN Jamaica Flower Meaning: The Medicinal Beauty

Jamaica Flower Meaning: The Medicinal Beauty

Jamaica flowers, also known as hibiscus or Roselle, are a type of tropical flowering plant native to Africa, but widely cultivated in the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia. The plant is often grown for its ornamental beauty, but it is also cultivated for its edible calyces, which are used to make a […]

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shutterstock 634906658 FloraQueen EN Oleander Flower : The Toxic Beauty

Oleander Flower : The Toxic Beauty

The oleander (Nerium oleander) is an evergreen and ornamental shrub, with small, glossy leaves and pink-rose flowers. It has a delicate scent and is very easy to care for. However, ingesting the parts of the plant that contain glycosides can impact the heart muscles, so we must take great care in using it. Overdose can […]

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shutterstock 1441324157 FloraQueen EN Posy Flower Meaning: An Ancient Expression of Love

Posy Flower Meaning: An Ancient Expression of Love

A posy flower, also known as a nosegay, is a small bouquet of flowers typically given as a gift or used for decorative purposes. It is usually made up of a small number of flowers and is often tied together with a ribbon or string. Posy flowers have been popular since the medieval era and […]

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shutterstock 536801548 FloraQueen EN Acacia Flower – The Australian Treasure

Acacia Flower – The Australian Treasure

Acacia is one of the very few flowering plants that can be found throughout the world. Acacia is loved on all continents, for its beauty, and for its beneficial uses, but is especially famous in Australia, where it is named wattle. Since 1988, wattle has been declared the floral symbol of this state. In Australia, […]

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shutterstock 1139402963 FloraQueen EN The Flower of Life: Meaning, Origin, and Symbolism

The Flower of Life: Meaning, Origin, and Symbolism

You’ve probably already come across it on your way, perhaps as an ornamental object at a friend’s house, represented as jewelry or behind a telephone shell. Nowadays, the benefits of the flower of life are no longer a secret for anyone! The flower of life is a decorative subject that has been used for thousands […]

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shutterstock 1611790957 FloraQueen EN Missouri State Flower: History, Description And General Planting Steps

Missouri State Flower: History, Description And General Planting Steps

Missouri designated the white hawthorn flower as the official state flower in 1923. Hawthorn is often used to constitute defensive hedges in gardens. Hawthorn is a shrub that forms tangled bushes. Belonging to the rosaceous family such as the rosehip, for example, it can reach 10 meters in height. This is rather large for a […]

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shutterstock 251401876 FloraQueen EN The Cotton Flower - The Fluffy Plant

The Cotton Flower – The Fluffy Plant

Gardening has never been so fun before the cotton flower. Everybody who owns a garden, or likes gardening on a regular basis, should try to grow this fluffy perennial at least once. With fluffy staple fibers in your gardens, they surely provide a nice topic for conversation, and with a long, deep-seated role in our […]

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shutterstock 516183901 FloraQueen EN Elder Flower: The Tasty Bloom

Elder Flower: The Tasty Bloom

The elder flower is the flower of a deciduous shrub that is known all over the world, due to its aromatic flowers and its fruits. It is common to prepare delicious, cold beverages from the elder flower. Additionally, the elder fruits and flowers are used for the preparation of various foods. The beneficial effects on […]

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shutterstock 1649854414 FloraQueen EN Indica Flower: The Ancient Recreational Flower

Indica Flower: The Ancient Recreational Flower

The Indica flower is one of the oldest flowers known to man, with a record of its usefulness dating as far back as over 2,000 years As you read this, you can learn the following; * Tips for Growing Indica Flower * How to Effectively Prepare Indica Buds * How to Recognize an Indica plant […]

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shutterstock 7730650 FloraQueen EN The Minnesota State Flower Is a Spectacular Terrestrial Orchid That You Can Easily Plant in Your Garden

The Minnesota State Flower Is a Spectacular Terrestrial Orchid That You Can Easily Plant in Your Garden

The royal lady slipper, scientifically known as cypripedium reginae, is one of the botanical flowers of the North American continent and the Minnesota state flower. The plant is large and stocky looking. In 1902, the plant was officially designated as the state flower of Minnesota. The lady slipper has three to seven leaves folded and […]

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shutterstock 1072618997 FloraQueen EN California Flower: The Beautiful Californian Symbol

California Flower: The Beautiful Californian Symbol

Every spring, California flowers (Eschscholzia californica), also named the California poppy, delight our eyes with their bright yellow color. If you want to capture these flowers in their true splendor, you should see them in their peak flowering season: the short period from late March to mid-April. So, let’s enjoy reading some information about the […]

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shutterstock 1653985534 FloraQueen EN Datura Flower: The Poisonous Beauty

Datura Flower: The Poisonous Beauty

The datura flower is commonly called angel’s trumpet. It belongs to the nightshade family and is a genus of over nine poisonous plants. Datura is cultivated mainly for ornamental and medicinal purposes. As you read this, you can learn the following; * Datura Flower Description * How to Grow Datura Flower * How to Care […]

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shutterstock 82478494 FloraQueen EN Echinacea: The Therapeutic Beauty

Echinacea: The Therapeutic Beauty

Coneflower, or echinacea, is a fine plant native to North America, with large flowers and blooming for a long time. It is one of the plants that has proven its effectiveness in increasing the body’s defense capacity against various infectious agents. This plant is used in the preparation of tinctures or food supplements, alone or […]

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shutterstock 1490381648 FloraQueen EN Montana State Flower Is a Low-growing Perennial That Spreads in Loose Sand and Hard Places

Montana State Flower Is a Low-growing Perennial That Spreads in Loose Sand and Hard Places

The bitter root, scientifically known as lewisia rediviva, is a plant species native to western North America, USA, and Canada. It was officially designated as the Montana state flower on February 27, 1895. The specific name, from the Latin “redivivus,” means “restored, revived, brought back to life.” The Amerindians, particularly the Shoshone, consumed the root […]

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shutterstock 424961713 FloraQueen EN Pomegranate Flower: A Bright Fragrance

Pomegranate Flower: A Bright Fragrance

The pomegranate flower is a beautiful offspring of its tree. Known for its bright red attributes, they are a smallish shrub that grows just about 16 to 33 ft high. With a diameter of about 1.2 in, this tree is native to the surroundings of Persia, present-day Iran. The tree thrives in summer and warmer […]

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shutterstock 467012852 FloraQueen EN Potato Flower: One of the Most Consumed Root Vegetables

Potato Flower: One of the Most Consumed Root Vegetables

The Solanum tuberosum, or, as we all know, the potato, is an ancient root vegetable firstly cultivated by the Incas in Peru. Also, potatoes come from the same family as tomatoes, the Nightshades or Solanaceae. Potatoes are grown all over the world and are consumed in different ways, as boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, the classic […]

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shutterstock 174579518 FloraQueen EN Rosemary Flower: Botany, Medicine, and Gastronomy Champion

Rosemary Flower: Botany, Medicine, and Gastronomy Champion

The wonderful rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a Mediterranean shrub, famous for its beauty and its uses in gastronomy due to its delicious, aromatic and slightly bitter taste. Furthermore, the rosemary plant has multiple uses in the cosmetics and perfume industry. Read on to find out more information about: * What is the rosemary flower? * […]

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