
From Bud to Bouquet

If you like beautiful bouquets, you’d be amazed to see where it all begins. Vast fields of gorgeous, fresh flowers waving and dipping in the wind as far as the eye can see. A bouquet is nice, but the source is truly a sight to behold.

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Floral Fashion Statement

As mentioned in our latest post” A Flower garden at home”, floral motifs are the HIT this year.  Floral print decorations are a classic when decorating our homes but this spring and summer floral patterns on clothing will change the side walk into a floral catwalk! The 2011 Spring/ Summer floral collections underline color, humor […]

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ooking with flowers

Spring can also be tasty!

Pansies’ flowers in a colorful nutritious salad Cooking and garnishing with flowers is trending! Many restaurants, chefs and home cooks garnish their entrees with flower blossoms to give it a special touch.

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Flowers and plants are NOT our pet’s best friends!

Spring is here and we start spending more time outside. And it’s not just us- also our cats and dogs enjoy the great outdoors. Spring is a lovely time and if you want to make the best of it, you may want to learn which plants and flowers are safe and which to avoid when taking […]

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EURO 2016

Tulips- the harbingers of spring.

In just 3 days it will officially be spring. And when its spring we automatically think about Easter celebrations, Mother’s Day and, of course, spring flowers. We all easily recognize one of the most famous flowers – La Tulipa or The Tulip, because this flower is beautiful, vibrant, and fresh. It spreads immediately good feelings.

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iStock 80499849 MEDIUM FloraQueen EN Flower Preservation Recipes

Flower Preservation Recipes

Flowers are like you and I, they need food and water for proper growth and healthy colour. As you know, here at FloraQueen we like to give you “Do It Yourself” Tips for the simple reason: It’s more fun!

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Flowers as medicine

Spring Fresh: flowers, feelings and other things…..

  Martians aren’t the only creatures who come from Mars; men come from Mars, too.  At least that’s what we learn about the red planet from John Gray and his book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”. Mars was the god of war in ancient Rome and he was the inspiration for the […]

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Birth Flowers

Would you like to know what flower represents your birth month? And what those flowers mean? Not so fast…… first we need to go over some facts. Flower symbolism began with many ancient religions. During the Renaissance, nature was viewed as a reflection of the divine and in the Victorian times the use of flowers […]

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