Did you know that deer can eat up to five pounds of vegetation every day? That’s a lot of flowers! However, there are certain types of flowers that deer just won’t eat. In this article, we’ll discuss what flowers deer don’t eat and how you can protect your garden from these pesky creatures.

First, we’ll explore some of the reasons why deer don’t like certain types of flowers. It turns out that the shape and size of the flower matters when it comes to whether or not a deer will feed on it. Deer also have very sensitive noses and can detect certain scents that they don’t like. This helps them identify which plants to avoid.

Finally, we’ll look at some of the most common types of flowers that deer won’t eat. These include marigolds, petunias, snapdragons, and pansies – all of which are easy to find in most gardens! Armed with this knowledge, you can make sure your garden is safe from hungry deer while still enjoying beautiful blooms all season long!

What Deer Eat

When it comes to the eating habits of deer, it’s like they have a sixth sense for where the sweetest treats can be found. Whether it’s lush meadows or gardens full of blooms, deer will always find something delicious to munch on. But what is it exactly that deer eat?

Most notably, deer feast on vegetation such as grasses, shrubs, fruit and nuts. They also enjoy herbs and legumes. In addition, they often rely on agricultural crops in order to survive during winter months when other food sources are scarce. While this diet may seem varied enough, there are still certain flowers that these majestic creatures tend to avoid.

Deer steer clear from certain types of flowers due to their strong fragrances and taste. Plants such as lilies, tulips and roses contain chemicals that deer don’t enjoy the flavor of. They may also be unappealing because of their texture or prickly stems which can make them difficult for deer to digest. As a result, many gardeners opt for plants like lavender and daffodils instead – both of which deer tend to stay away from!

Clearly then, there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to what deer choose (or don’t choose) to eat – setting us up nicely for our next section: why deer avoid certain flowers… …and how to use that knowledge when planting a garden.

Why Deer Avoid Certain Flowers

It is almost magical how deer can recognize flowers they should avoid with such precision. They rarely make a mistake in their selection, as if they had some kind of sixth sense to guide them away from the wrong plants! So why do these majestic creatures stay so far away from certain flowers? Let’s take a deeper look into why deer steer clear of certain blooms.

First and foremost, deer tend to shy away from any flower that has a strong scent or flavor. This includes many varieties of roses, lilies, and geraniums. These scents are often too overpowering for the delicate noses of deer, leading them to search for something else. In addition to this, some flowers have dangerous toxins inside them that can be harmful to the health of deer when ingested. This includes foxglove and daffodils; both of which have toxic compounds in their petals that can cause extreme discomfort if eaten by a deer.

Finally, some flowers simply aren’t able to survive in the environment where deer live. For example, many flowers that need more shade than sun won’t grow well in areas where there are large herds of deer grazing on the landscape. As such, these types of plants are usually avoided by deer since they don’t offer much sustenance or shelter! With this knowledge in mind, let’s take a look at what kinds of flowers deer avoid that grow in shaded areas…

Flowers Deer Avoid That Grow In Shade

Of course, one might wonder why it matters what flowers deer avoid in the shade. After all, much of nature is out in the open and exposed to the sun. But many species of flower thrive in shaded areas and can be a great way for deer to supplement their diet with nutrient-rich foliage. So, let’s take a look at the flowers deer tend to avoid when they are growing in the shade.

Most animals shy away from bright colors, especially reds and yellows, as these can signal danger or poison. Deer are no different – they prefer more muted tones that blend into their surroundings like whites and greens. This means that any flowering plant with vibrant colored petals is likely not something that a deer would eat unless there is no other option available. Additionally, certain kinds of foliage have an unpleasant taste or odor which deters them from eating it even if it is safe.

Finally, plants with thorns or prickly leaves are something that deer will generally stay away from due to their sharpness. If a plant has spines or coarse hairs on its leaves, then chances are deer won’t try to eat it regardless of how appetizing it may look otherwise! Knowing this can help gardeners choose appropriate plants that will attract wildlife while still being safe for browsing animals like deer.

Flowers Deer Avoid That Grow In Sun

Did you know that over 70% of the flowers which deer avoid are those that grow in the sun? That’s right – if you have a garden full of sun-loving plants, you can rest assured that they won’t be eaten by deer. But what exactly are the best deer resistant flowers to choose for your sunny spot? Let’s take a look.

A great place to start is with coreopsis, also known as tickseeds. These cheerful, yellow-gold blooms will thrive in the heat and bring a splash of color to any sunny spot. Coreopsis comes in many varieties, so you can pick one that suits your garden perfectly. Amsonia tabernaemontana, or bluestar, is another good choice for sunny gardens – its starry white blooms contrast nicely with its bright green foliage and make it an attractive addition to any sunny flower bed.

And if you’re looking for something with a slightly bolder look? Liatris spicata (also known as blazing star) could be just what you need! It has brightly colored spikes of purple or Pink Flowers which are sure to add some extra drama to your sunny spot. All these choices (and more!) will help create a beautiful floral display in any sunny area without attracting unwanted visitors like deer!

No matter where your garden is situated – whether it’s in full sun, partial shade or even deep shade – there are plenty of options when it comes to finding deer-resistant flowers. With this guide and our expert advice, you’ll be able to create an eye-catching outdoor space without worrying about hungry animals!

Deer Resistant Flowers For Shade

Planting flowers that deer won’t eat can be a challenge, but with the right knowledge, it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re looking for shade-loving varieties or those that thrive in the sun, there are plenty of deer resistant flowers you can use to create a beautiful garden. Here’s our list of five deer resistant plants for shade:

• Hostas – A perennial favorite for shady gardens, hostas come in a variety of sizes and colors and their foliage is usually too tough for deer to munch on.

• Bleeding Hearts – These delicate pink or white blooms are easy to grow and hard to resist, even if you’re a four-legged grazer.

• Astilbes – If you’re looking for something with more color than hostas provide, astilbes come in shades of pink, red and purple and they look great when grouped together.

• Ferns – With their lacy fronds and gorgeous greenery, ferns make an excellent addition to any garden. Plus they’re one of the few plants that deer don’t like to snack on!

• Foxgloves – Also known as digitalis purpurea, foxgloves add a touch of drama with their tall stalks bearing bell-shaped blooms in hues from pale yellow to deep purple.

Now that you know which plants will deter pesky critters from your flowerbeds, why not try adding some of these beautiful deer resistant flowers for shade? From graceful hostas and elegant ferns to bold astilbes and stunning foxgloves, the possibilities are endless! And if the sun is more your style, then check out our next section about which flowers deer avoid that grow in sunlight.

Deer Resistant Flowers For Sun

When it comes to deer-proofing your garden, you need to take into account the amount of sun that your flowers get. There are many deer resistant flowers for sunny areas, so don’t worry if you think your garden is too bright. Here are some great options to consider when looking for perennials and annuals that can survive in a sunny spot.

First off, there are several varieties of daisy flowers that make excellent choices for sunny gardens. Some of these include Shasta daisies, African daisies, and other colorful varieties. These flowers will provide both beauty and protection from deer browsing on their leaves or buds.

If you’re looking for a more classic option, try planting daffodils or tulips in the sunniest area of your garden. These bulbs come back year after year and will keep the deer away with their strong scent and taste. Plus, they’ll create a gorgeous array of colors in the springtime!

TIP: Planting shrubs around the perimeter of your flower beds can also help deter deer from browsing on them. Additionally, using an organic repellent such as coyote urine can be another effective way to protect your plants from deer damage. With these methods in place, you can enjoy a beautiful sunny flower bed without fear of pesky deer visitors!

Deer Resistant Annual Flowers

As the sun rises, we are reminded of the beauty and resilience of nature. Even in our landscape, where deer may wander, there is still an array of flowers that can withstand their presence. Here’s a list of some of the most deer resistant annual flowers:

  1. Marigolds
  2. Sunflowers
  3. Zinnias

These annuals bloom throughout the summer months, providing a vibrant display to any garden or bouquet. With their bright colors and strong scent, marigolds are one of the most popular choices for deer resistance. Sunflowers are also known for this quality – it’s no secret why they have been used as symbols for strength and endurance! Meanwhile, zinnias come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit every gardener’s needs.

No matter which flower you choose, you can be sure that with proper care these annuals will bring life and color to your outdoor space for years to come. As these blooms fade away at the end of summertime, there are still more options available when it comes to deer-resistant perennials…

Deer Resistant Perennial Flowers

As the saying goes, a deer will find its way to all but the most resilient of flowers. Fortunately, there are some hardy perennial plants that can withstand even the most determined of deer. Let’s take a look at these stalwart varieties.

A gardeners best bet is to choose varieties that are naturally unpalatable to deer and also unattractive in their appearance. Aromatic plants with strong scents such as lavender, rosemary and salvia are usually a safe bet as they tend to be deemed unappetizing by our antlered friends. Woody, thorny shrubs like barberry or holly, which have sharp leaves and prickly stems, are also very effective at deterring deer from your precious flower beds.

Other options include colorful blooms like foxglove or columbine which may attract pollinators but prove too bitter for hungry deer to stomach. These perennials should be planted in groups and intermixed with other species to create an effective barrier against any unwanted visitors. With these examples of deer resistant perennials in mind, you’re sure to have a garden full of beautiful blooms that will last season after season!

Tips For Keeping Deer Away From Your Garden

Protecting your garden from deer doesn’t have to be a challenge. In fact, there are some simple steps you can take to keep them away without having to resort to harsh chemicals or other measures. Here we’ll look at nine tips for keeping deer out of your garden.

One of the most important steps is creating a physical barrier that the deer can’t easily get through. You can do this by installing fencing around the perimeter of your garden. Make sure the fence is tall enough and high enough that deer won’t be able to jump over it.

You can also make use of natural repellents in order to deter deer from entering your garden. Spraying plants with a mixture of garlic, hot pepper flakes, and water is an effective way to keep them at bay and they won’t damage your plants either. Don’t forget about scent deterrents too; planting herbs like lavender, rosemary, and mint near the perimeter of your garden will help keep deer away as well.

These are just a few strategies you can use when it comes to protecting your garden from unwanted visitors. With a combination of physical barriers and natural repellents, you can keep deer out of your garden for good! Onward now to exploring natural deer repellents…

Natural Deer Repellents

If you’re looking for natural deer repellents, you’ve come to the right place! Repellents can be a great way to keep your garden safe from these pesky creatures. But there are many options available, so how do you know which one is right for you? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular natural deer repellents out there.

One of the most popular natural deer repellents is planting garlic or onions around your garden. Not only do they have a strong odor that deer don’t like, but they also help keep pests away from your plants. You can also use spices such as cayenne, black pepper, and chili powder to create a barrier around your garden that will deter deer from entering. These spices will need to be reapplied after every rain or heavy dew in order to remain effective.

If you’d rather not use spices or garlic and onions, another option is using predator urine. Deer have an innate fear of predators, so placing bottles of coyote or fox urine around your garden can make them think twice before entering! Additionally, there are several commercial products available that contain ingredients specifically designed to repel deer. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow all instructions before using them in your garden.

So if you’re looking for ways to keep deer away from your plants, these natural repellent options can help protect them without harming the environment or hurting the animals themselves!


As gardeners, we know that deer can cause massive damage to our flower beds. Fortunately, there are numerous flowers that deer tend to avoid. By selecting flowers that deer don’t like and strategically placing them in your garden, you can protect your beloved blooms from becoming a tasty meal for the local wildlife.

The key is to find those flowers that deer won’t eat and keep them growing healthy and strong. This can be achieved by choosing plants with strong scents or textures, as well as annuals and perennials that are proven to be resistant to these curious critters. Additionally, using natural repellents such as garlic spray or cayenne pepper can help deter deer from munching on your plants.

So if you’re looking for an ancient way to keep your garden safe from hungry deer, look no further than nature’s bounty! With a little research and creativity, you’ll soon have an oasis of beautiful blooms untouched by furry visitors – an oasis which will become a timeless reminder of your gardening prowess for years to come.