Why this gift is special
This exquisite bouquet is a tapestry of elegance and whimsy, woven together with pink and ivory roses adorned by the soft embrace of lavender statice and eucalyptus greenery. Each bloom is carefully selected to symbolize love, purity, and peace. The gentle pink roses whisper notes of admiration and joy, perfectly balanced by the creamy ivory roses that speak of innocence and new beginnings. Complementing them, the lavender statice adds a touch of whimsy, standing as a symbol of remembrance and success. Eucalyptus leaves provide not only a lush, fragrant backdrop but also a nod to protection and abundance. Arranged in a sleek white vase, this bouquet serves as a captivating centerpiece, offering a fragrant, visual delight that brings serenity and happiness to any space. Gift this arrangement to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to show someone they are cherished and loved. Its harmonious blend of colors and scents will undoubtedly bring a genuine smile to the face of anyone who receives it, making any day brighter and more meaningful.
Dustin Pluth
Tami Pur
Katie Patel
Eternal Hope Eucalyptus and Roses
7 reviews
PremiumMake your surprise even bigger by adding more stems to your bouquet.
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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.
White roses
Pink roses
Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.