For most people, giving a gift is a tough decision. You want something that is functional and is going to stand the test of time. Plant gifts are something to consider because they are going to last longer than flowers and can help people have something to do. They need to be cared for, so it’s the present that keeps on giving.

In this article, you can learn:

* Why few people give plants as gifts
* Ways to go the extra mile with a plant as a gift
* Types of plants that work well as gifts
* Reasons to give plants as gifts

Why Few People Give Plants as Gifts

The biggest reason that people don’t give plant gifts is that they don’t think about them. Everyone is focused on exotic or bright colored flowers, and the fern or grass-style plants just don’t seem as exciting or fun.

Often, you may worry that a live plant that grows and lives forever might cost a lot more than a bouquet of flowers. However, this isn’t often the case. There are exceptions to prove the rule, but many times, plants cost just as much or less than cut flowers. In fact, most houseplants are about half of what a large bouquet arrangement is going to cost from a floral shop.

Ways to Go the Extra Mile with a Plant as a Gift

If you’re planning to give a plant as a gift to someone, make sure that the person likes to take care of things. Though a plant is much less maintenance than a puppy, some people just don’t like having to remember to care for something else. Also, they might be so busy that they forget to water the plant.

Types of Plants that Work Well as Gifts

The Thanksgiving cactus also called the Christmas cactus, often blooms around Turkey Day through the Christmas holiday. It’s a succulent and needs a lot of bright light from a window. However, it doesn’t need to be hot light for it to thrive. In fact, it wants to be cool, so don’t put it next to a heater. Your recipient is going to like that it doesn’t need a lot of water, so it’s not as hard to maintain as some types of plants.

Orchids are another excellent plant, but many people are afraid to gift or get them because they are known to be hard to care for. Still, commercially available ones are bred to be strong and resilient. Plus, you don’t have to keep them at a tropical temperature, and this plant likes a breeze and coolness at night. Therefore, it is fairly easy to keep it alive. Also, they don’t need much water (about half a cup once a week). While they do need light, they don’t like direct sunshine. The blooms last upwards of three months, and they can bloom next year, though this can be a bit tricky to achieve.

Plant gifts can be a fun way to show someone you care, and the Jade plant is a beautiful little jewel. They do need plenty of light but don’t want a lot of extra water. With thick leaves, it can store a lot of water, so you really only have to worry about watering them too much. Though they don’t flower, they do have a bonsai-effect that is pleasing to the eye. Growing them is easy, and they flourish fast. The recipient should get instructions on how to prune them, as well.

Paperwhites are suitable for people who don’t want to keep the plant for the long-term. They do last a lot longer than cut flowers, but they do not re-bloom each year. The tiny flowers are lightly scented and can grow almost anywhere, such as in pebbles or soil. Plus, if the recipient desires, he or she can replant the bulbs after they’ve bloomed and died off.

Norfolk Island Pines look similar to Christmas trees, so they are often sold around the holiday. You can add ornaments and a string of lights if you prefer. However, they are also ideal once the Christmas season is over and are soft-needled evergreens. Keep in mind that such plants are tropical, so they can’t survive in the cold. Though not hard to keep, they also aren’t the easiest.

The Bird’s Nest Fern can be easier to handle than other ferns, and they like a lot of moisture. It’s best to mist them about once a week and more during the wintertime and when there is a lot of warm air. One interesting thing about this plant is when you give it more sunlight, the leaves become lighter, and they darken when there is less light available.

Reasons to Give Plants as Gifts

When it comes to plant gifts, you may be on the fence. Keep in mind that plants aren’t the best choice for everyone. If your loved one doesn’t have a green thumb or is allergic, it’s best to go a different route. Otherwise, plants can be the best idea.

Plants in the home are going to help improve the air quality. You can breathe a little easier knowing that the plants are soaking up the carbon dioxide. Also, they can have a relaxing and calming effect on the recipient. This works well if your friend or family member is a bit anxious or gets upset easily.

Also, when you take care of a plant and nurture it, you feel more confident and have better self-esteem. You can give this experience to your loved ones and friends. Even if they claim that they can’t keep plants alive, you can pick something easy to care for, and they are going to feel great when they do keep it thriving.

Of course, plant gifts are plentiful, and there are so many options to consider. You might consider spending extra time when browsing to find something hearty and low-maintenance. That way, you aren’t going to give something that is going to die and make your recipient feel bad.