Bluebonnet is one of the species belonging to the genus Lupinus of the legume family. The petals of the bluebonnet flowers are shaped in a peculiar way, which is said to resemble the bonnets worn by pioneer women to protect them from the sun. This is how the flower got its name. These purplish-blue flowers can be as tall as 24 inches and can be recognized with it’s distinctive yellow or white spikes situated in its center. Bluebonnets have had different names over the years. Botanists once called it lupine because it belonged to the genus Lupinus. It is also called buffalo clover or wolf flower. The Mexicans named it el-Conejo, which translates to the rabbit, comparing the flower’s white spikes to that of a rabbit’s tail.

This article shall further focus on the following points to provide you with sufficient information regarding the bluebonnet, including the following:

* Characteristics of bluebonnet

* How to grow bluebonnet

* How to tend to bluebonnet

* How to store bluebonnet seeds

* Benefits of bluebonnet

* Poisonous nature of bluebonnet

Characteristics of bluebonnet

Bluebonnets are annual wildflowers that flourish in a variety of soils. It makes up for the fact that it is a yearly plant by reproducing seeds weeks after blooming for replanting. There exist more than one type of bluebonnet flower, and they vary in color. There are up to seven different types of bluebonnet, and while most of them are blue, others come in shades of pink, maroon, and purple. Some of the different variations of bluebonnet flowers include:

* The sandyland bluebonnet

* The big blend bluebonnet

* The annual lupine

* The dune bluebonnet

The sandyland bluebonnet has light blue flowers, and they are more sparsely arranged in comparison to the others. On the other hand, the big blend bluebonnet is up to three feet tall, and it is hard to grow outside of its natural habitat. It commonly has up to six leaflets, and its flowers are situated on only the top four to eight inches of its stem. This feature distinguishes it from other types of bluebonnets.

The annual lupine comprises of tiny flowers that develop best in sandy soils. Its flowers are a distinct shade of purple and red, while the dune bluebonnet is about two feet tall, with dark spots scattered across its blue flowers.

How to Grow Bluebonnet

The planting of bluebonnet is an easy project that can be tackled by anyone. With a few tips, you can undertake this task successfully. Bluebonnet thrives more in alkaline soil and soils that are not well saturated. This is so because land that retains water is more prone to having fungal infections, which can be harmful to the plant.

Bluebonnet is best planted between September and November. This is necessary because it has to grow through the winter for the bluebonnet to have a strong and robust root system. The cold weather promotes the growth of the bluebonnet’s root, and soil preparation is not required for the plantation of bluebonnets. The seed can be inserted into the recommended type of soil. Full sun and seed to soil contact are necessary for the growth of a healthy bluebonnet.

Ensure that the ground where the bluebonnet seed is to be placed has been weeded out of any grass or debris, which may prevent the seed from having full contact with the soil. The absence of adequate sunlight can cause abnormal growth and foster infections.

After planting, the seed is then covered up with about ¼ inch of soil. This shields the grain from the prying eyes of birds and prevents it from being baked by the sun.

Patience is required when planting bluebonnets because it can take one to two years to grow properly. The use of fertilizer is not recommended as it may cause the bluebonnet to produce more leaves and fewer flowers.

How to Tend to Bluebonnets

After successfully planting your bluebonnet, it must be cared for in other to ensure its development. The plant needs to be watered three times a week for a month after it was deposited in the soil. To do this, ensure that the water is sprayed gently and lightly. Excessive watering can cause infections and diseases. The bluebonnet seed is required to be planted in the path of direct sunlight, and it needs eight to ten hours of sunlight every day for proper growth.

Old blooms are required to be harvested for the bluebonnets to bloom longer. This act postpones the seed production, which is responsible for stopping the blooming of the flowers.

How to Store Bluebonnet Seeds

Bluebonnets seeds can be harvested and stored until when needed. The first step is to harvest the pods upon reaching maturity before it explodes and destroys the seeds. The seeds are then placed under the sun to dry out any excess moisture. This step is essential because if the seeds are not properly dried out before storage, molds can grow on them, destroying the integrity of the seeds. After this step is completed, store in an air-tight container and add desiccants like silica gel to it before you place it in the produce section of a refrigerator.

Benefits of Bluebonnet

The reward of planting bluebonnet flowers exceeds the satisfaction of watching this beautiful flower bloom in the spring. Bluebonnet adds certain nutrients to the soil. It attracts a bacteria called Rhizobium, and this bacteria converts nitrogen into a form suitable for the soil. This act enriches the soil, increasing plant growth, and making the soil habitable for other plants.

Poisonous Nature of Bluebonnets

Bluebonnets exist solely for their beauty and cannot be ingested. Generally, species from the Lupinus family are toxic to both human beings and animals. The seeds contain a high level of alkaloids, which is said to cause ”crooked calf disease” when eaten by a pregnant cow. However, the level of toxicity of the plants depends on environmental factors.

Bluebonnets flowers are adored by many, so much that it has legends and tales written about it. Even the state of Texas was mesmerized by the bluebonnet flower, that it was officially adopted to serve as the state’s flower.