The orchid is a beautiful tropical plant, with fantastically shaped flowers that are quite hardy and resistant. However, one should ask: what makes orchids so exceptional? What is so special about them? Their exotic beauty explains their importance in the eyes of the public. However, some of them are so discreet that they are hardly distinguishable in a variety of roses, irises, or snapdragons.

In this significant family of plants (with almost 30,000 species listed), lifestyles are very different from another genus. Everything about the orchid is original- the flowering, the habitat, and the planting.

Beneath its delicate appearance, the orchid is a reasonably hardy plant that does not require as much maintenance. Nevertheless, a minimum of attention and care can help it to develop and blossom well. To take good care of an orchid, all you need is the right amount of light and moisture. In this article, we explain everything you need to know to take care of your most popular phalaenopsis orchids.

Keep reading the following points:

* Where to Place Your Orchid
* How to Water the Orchid Correctly
* When to Water the Orchid
* Repotting Orchid
* How to Fertilize Orchid
* How to Water the Orchid During the Holidays
* How Do You Make an Orchid Bloom Again

Where to Place Your Orchid

An essential factor for the first development of the plant is light. If the orchid gets bright light, it should not be direct, as this can harm the plant. It is recommended never to expose it behind glass. You should ideally put your orchid in a relatively humid place (the bathroom, for example), with lots of light, but never direct sunlight. Orchids also need a lot of ventilation. A confined bathroom with no light or ventilation does more harm to the beautiful houseplant than good.

It is also possible to put your orchid on a balcony, as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight and if the temperature does not drop below 8°degrees. The ideal temperature is between 17 and 23°degrees.

How to Water the Orchid Correctly

Orchids are becoming a larger part of the houseplants. They are commonly placed in living rooms and in other areas of our homes. Often described as delicate, orchids are sensitive to watering. Also, excessive irrigation that makes roots to rot is the first cause of orchid mortality. The simplest and, at the same time, the most effective way to water the orchid is to place the pot in a basin of water for 15 to 20 minutes, so that the roots absorb the water and rehydrate without the plant getting wet. Indeed, the orchid does not appreciate being watered from above.

Even worse, it doesn’t tolerate its roots remaining stagnant in the water. Both of these bad habits can cause your orchid to rot. Above all, don’t forget to put the pot in the basin and let it drain before putting it back in place.

Orchids do not like hard water. If it is possible, recycle rainwater that is “soft” so that you can use it for watering. If you can’t get any, add a few drops of lemon juice to the tap water: its anti-limestone effect can be appreciated.

When to Water the Orchid?

In its natural and tropical environment, the orchid is an epiphyte plant that does not grow in the soil but on other plants using them as a support. A non-parasitic plant, the orchid feeds mainly on ambient humidity. Indeed, orchid likes to have a high level of moisture. In a dry apartment, it should be necessary to reconstitute this humid environment by fogging the foliage once or twice a day or by placing your orchid on a support in a saucer filled with water (the roots must never be in contact with stagnant water).

By evaporation, the hygrometry can increase, and the orchid can develop. Watering the orchid should be regular but not excessive. The important thing is to conserve its humidity.

In spring and summer, watering is done about once a week. In winter, watering is only done twice a month. Every week immerse the orchid pot in water for a few minutes until there are no more air bubbles. Once the container is well moistened, take it out and let it drain before putting it back in its original place.

Repotting Orchid

Repotting an orchid is done every two to three years after flowering. Choose a transparent pot a few centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. Take the plant out of its old pot and cut the dry roots. Place the plant in a new container with a very airy “special orchid” potting soil. Pack well! Once the plant has been repotted, immerse it in a “bath” and moisten the potting soil. As soon as no more bubbles are rising to the surface, take the pot out and let it drain.

How to Fertilize Orchid

The orchid does not necessarily need fertilizer to grow well, especially since “special orchid” fertilizers are not necessarily well adapted to the evolution of your plant. Instead, it should need nitrogen to make leaves and potassium to make shoots that can flower later. In any case, you should add fertilizer at the time of watering. Don’t overdo it, respect the measurements indicated on the product, or even reduce them considerably.

How to Water the Orchid During the Holidays

If you go on holiday for two weeks or so, your orchid should not suffer in any way. On the one hand, your home should be more fresh than usual as the shutters are mostly closed. On the other hand, you can leave your orchid in the light. Then, you should give your plant a good bath before leaving and place it in a potholder at the bottom of which you can have put a bed of clay balls with water. When you return, your orchid should not have suffered!

How Do You Make an Orchid Bloom Again

Orchids are precious plants to decorate any interior, whether contemporary or classic. Some specific and basic care can allow them to bloom again and to keep them for years. Orchids need a lot of light to bloom and be healthy. Producers who provide them with optimal growing conditions can obtain continuous blooms over a long period of months. To make your orchids bloom again, apply these two tips: give them as much light as possible and water them regularly.

During the day in summer, when the temperature exceeds 18°degrees, take your plants out under a tree so that they can benefit from a maximum of light or even a few well-subdued rays of sunshine.
Remember to bring your orchids into the house by placing them in front of a window, preferably facing east. If the direction is due south, shade the window slightly at the hottest hours so that the plant is not burnt by the direct rays of the midday sun.

There are several tens of thousands of species of orchids with different shapes and colors. You can find pink orchids, white orchids, Phalaenopsis orchids, or oncidium orchids. You should choose the easiest to grow, and that requires simple conditions. The most known orchid is the Phalaenopsis, with their long flowering period of several months and their easy re-florescence. Most of the other species need significant temperature differences between day and night.