When Do Calla Lilies Bloom and How to Transform Your Garden into A Fascinating Space?

shutterstock 1532793827 FloraQueen EN When Do Calla Lilies Bloom and How to Transform Your Garden into A Fascinating Space?

Being native to Africa, calla lilies are the perfect combination of exotic and elegant. It is demonstrated through some studies that calla lilies are not true lilies. The herbaceous plants do not like winter, and they cannot survive the cold.

The calla lilies are likely to bloom in fall or summer, but this process depends on many factors that can affect your favorite flowers‘ growth. Let’s keep reading to find out more about:

* Calla Lilies Appearance
* How to Plant Calla Lilies
* How to Take Care of Calla Lilies
* What You Have to Consider When Planting Calla Lilies in Containers
* What You Need to Know Before Having A Calla Lilly

Calla Lilies Appearance

Callas can be suitable and bright decor for your home or garden because of their appearance. They can be found in a variety of colors, the usual ones being white, red, blue, pink, and yellow. The plant looks even more exotic because of the yellow spadix placed inside the flower, which offers extra contrast for the color association. In addition to this, it is effortless to take care of them all year round.

Calla lilies also represent a beautiful and unique gift for a loved person, a friend, or a colleague. A considerable benefit might be that it doesn’t have separate petals. If they are part of a flower bouquet and become withered, you won’t have to worry about cleaning up any mess! Callas are easy going flowers that enjoy staying clean. Callas can be used for flower arrangements at weddings or any other special occasion.

How to Plant Calla Lilies?

Calla lilies are very fragile and sensitive to weather; thus, in winter, they might need special treatment. In order to get through winter, the best solution may be to move the calla into a container and replant it outside when the warm weather returns. The callas have a bulb-like format that grows well both inside and out.

The flower’s favorite soil is moist and rich and prefers to be placed in full sun. Although, if you want to plant it during a hot summer, it is recommended to find a spot with partial shade. When planting it, take into consideration the fact that you need to keep 1 or 2 feet apart in between bulbs and bury it 1 inch deep. Your garden can have a vibrant and radiant look if you associate the calla lilies with other summer flowers like roses, sunflowers, or hydrangea.

With regards to bulbs or rhizomes, you should know that the larger they are, the bigger and majestic the callas would grow. Although the soil should be moist, keep in mind that overwatering it is going to cause damage to your plants. Calla lilies can grow in water up to 12 inches. If you want to offer a more elegant and distinct vibe to your apartment or home, use aquatic compost and a planting container.

The zone in which the lilies are planted is also essential. The colder climates are not so friendly to them. It is recommended to be placed into the ground after the freezing period is over, or even wait until the summer comes or up till the soil reached at least 65 F or 18 C.

How to Take Care of Calla Lilies

If you planted your callas outdoor, they are most likely to bloom in the first two months of summer. Alternatively, when your plants are placed inside, you can enjoy the beautiful and colorful callas all year long.

Callas are low maintenance. The only attention that they require is an occasional watering, the suitable soil, sun, and lots of love. The main factor you have to be very observant of is the cool weather.

What You Have to Consider When Planting Calla Lilies in Containers

A house full of flowers certainly has a more welcoming and friendly appearance, but having calla lilies in your home might make the whole design more unusual or exotic. To make sure that you have bloomed callas all year, find a spot that can provide a lot of light and sun; otherwise, they do not thrive.

Another aspect you need to keep in mind is that callas require patience. They need a passive time to prepare for the blooming season. Moreover, do not worry and be patient if your calla lilies take a little more time than usual.

In the dormant period, the calla lilies stop blooming, and they do not need to be watered anymore. They need to be placed in a dark spot for a couple of months. After this period, move the calla lily to its previous, favorite place and start watering it as usual. The plant starts flowering soon, getting back to life.

What You Need to Know Before Having A Calla Lilly

Calla lilies, at first sight, seem to be very fragile and harmless. The fact you might not be aware of is that you have to keep distance between this plant and a child or animal. A calla is a poisonous plant, as its roots can cause a lot of danger if they are swollen. It contains an acid that causes burnings and swellings. The effects of its poison include sickness, diarrhea, and nausea.

All in all, calla lilies are very beautiful and can offer an unusual aspect to your home, garden, or flower arrangement. It can become a special gift for a special person because it is very easy to maintain if it is placed in a spot suitable for it. Even though it is a precious flower, make sure it is located away from your pet or kid in order to reduce any health risks.

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