There are many types of flowers out there, but some of them are much more unique than others. Many of us have flowers like roses and daffodils, but we don’t have other unique flowers. Adding these flowers to your garden can really make your garden stand out and you can be sure your neighbors will start paying attention.

Here are some of the unique flowers you can discover:

* Himalayan Poppy
* Crown Imperial
* Secret Lust Coneflower
* Pitcher Plant
* Sundew
* Red Hot Poker Plant
* Amorphophallus
* Silk Tree
* Amethyst in Snow
* Batik Bearded Iris
* Perfect Storm Hardy Hibiscus
* Nora Leigh Garden Phlox

Himalayan Poppy

The Himalayan poppy, or Meconopsis grandis, look like blue umbrellas with yellow centers. They are really sky-blue in color, and the flowers have a range of up to 5-inches across. They stand up to 36-inches tall. These plants grow well in Zones 5 to 7, and they enjoy some shade and well-draining soil. Keep in mind, however, that the Himalayan poppy is not easy to grow. They like a bit of moisture around the roots, for instance, but there is a fine line between too much and not enough. There is also the fact that this plant likes summers that are warm, but not overly hot, and winters that are cool, but not too cold.

Crown Imperial

The crown imperial is a beautiful orange bulb that comes up in early spring that stands up to 4 feet tall. Not only are they a unique orange color, but they also have an odor that isn’t quite pleasant. They have bell-shaped petals that look like a crown on top of the stalk, and they also have six bright-white dots under each flower. You can plant these in Zones 5 to 8, and they like well-drained soil and full sun.

Secret Lust Coneflower

This type of coneflower is very unique. Secret Lust, or Echinacea Secret Lust, has a fluffy and puffy poof at the center of the petals, which is very different than a common coneflower. If you pay attention, you might notice that these coneflowers change color two times as they grow, and they grow up to 3 feet tall when grown. Like the crown imperial, this flower requires well-drained soil and full sun.

Pitcher Plant

The Venus fly trap is the most common carnivorous plant, but the Northern pitcher plant is also one carnivorous that is native to cold climates. The pitcher plant is a fun plant to grow, and most people find it fascinating to have in their gardens, as the flower begins as a small, tight ball, and then it unfurls into a pitcher shape, which turns into a death trap for insects.


The sundew is another carnivorous plant, but it isn’t technically a flower. Instead, this plant tricks its prey by appearing that it is a real flower. It does this by developing fake dewdrops, which attracts insects. When the insect lands on the plant, they get trapped, because this liquid is very sticky. There are several different sundew species, and you can grow them in most zones. Just make sure to plant them in wet areas, as they really like boggy environments.

Red Hot Poker Plant

One glance at this plant, and you can see why it is called the “red hot poker plant.” They are cylindrical in shape, and the tip of the flower spike is red, just like a red hot poker. There are many types of these, including the Pineapple Popsicle, which is yellow and the Mango Popsicle, which is orange. These flowers grow best in full sun and thrive in Zones 6 to 9.


This unique plant is native to Indonesia and Sumatra, and it grows from a corm. What makes this so unique? It is the largest flower in the world with a height of up to 10 feet tall. It takes many years before it blooms, but when it does, it makes headlines. These flowers are actually pretty stinky, but they do have a very showy appearance. This is a tropical plant, so it only grows well in Zones 8 to 10. If you want to grow it in the north, though, it is possible, as you can dig up the corm and bring it indoors during the winter.

Silk Tree

The silk tree, Albizia julibrissin, looks like a tropical plant, but it can grow in Zones 6 to 9. These trees can grow up to 35 feet in height, and the flowers are silky, delicate, and fragrant. Though they sound like something you might like, just keep in mind that they are listed as invasive in some areas of the US.

Amethyst in Snow

The perennial Amethyst in Snow, Centaurea montana, is a bachelor button flower that has bicolored blooms. This is an interesting looking flower, and it is best suited for ground cover, as it has a strong tendency to spread. This flower likes full sun, and it is hardy from Zones 3 to 9.

Batik Bearded Iris

This iris is one of the most beautiful and most fragrant flowers out there. They are also very tough, which makes them pretty easy to grow, and since they grow up to about 3-feet tall, they don’t take up a ton of room. Grow them in Zones 3 to 8 in full sun and in soil that is not overly wet.

Perfect Storm Hardy Hibiscus

Also called the rose mallow, the Perfect Storm hibiscus, or Hibiscus moscheutos, is a perennial that grows up to 3 feet tall. The impressive blooms have a diameter of up to 8-inches wide, and it has dark foliage, that is just as stunning as the bicolored petals. This plant enjoys full son and well-drained soil, and it is hardy in Zones 5 to 9.

Nora Leigh Garden Phlox

Nora Leigh phlox is a unique flower, too, and it has bicolored flowers and variegated leaves. Typically, the colors are quite bright, and it grows up to 3-feet tall. They are perennials, and they bloom all summer from Zones 4 to 8. Plant this flower in partial to full sun and apply compost at least once a year.