The daisy is a hardy plant that adorns gardens between June and August. It requires little maintenance and multiplies quickly. You can find the daisy in flowerbeds, on borders, or in planters.

With its beautiful white or yellow flowers, the daisy is an essential perennial plant in a natural garden, and a large mixed border, in which it brings elegance and charm. The bulb illuminates the terrace and produces a touch of freshness to the garden with its massive single or double flower heads. Daisies are also one of the most beautiful cut flowers in a bouquet.

You can now find all types of daisies, from the most singular to the most fantastic. Whether it’s a summer daisy or autumn daisy, they are all undemanding perennials, easy to grow in any dry soil, in cold, sunshine, or semi-shade. Particularly robust, perfectly hardy, the daisy is timeless!

As you read this, you can learn the following:

* Botanical Description
* Planting Daisies
* How to Take Care of Daisies
* The Daisy Meaning
* Reasons to Choose Daisy Bouquets in Your Marriage

Botanical Description

The genus daisy includes 26 annual or perennial species belonging to the large family of asteraceae, such as chrysanthemums, asters, and sunflowers. The daisy flower grows on rocky alpine slopes, undergrowth, wet meadows, and wastelands in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The daisies come in many cultivars with single, semi-double, or double flowers. They differ in flower structure, shape, and color of the ligules. Pure white for most of them – the daisy in Latin as in Greek means “white flower.” However, some daisies have a brilliant butter and yellow bloom, fading with maturity.

The daisies are extraordinarily generous in their blooms. It spreads out from spring to summer: the flowers are renewed without delay, attracting honey-gathering insects, sometimes even in winter, if you remove the faded flowers.

With their upright stems, they show excellent vase habit and make beautiful, simple, rustic summer bouquets. The daisy needs about two years to develop, then it settles and forms dense, very flowering clumps over time. It reaches full maturity in five years and can live for years. Very easy to grow, this fully hardy perennial, down to -20° degree, is capable of adapting to many climates.

The daisy allows you to compose charming scenes in every corner of the garden, in natural borders, as in flowering meadows. It brings liveliness and lightness to the backyard, but also to fresh rock gardens.

Planting Daisies

Daisies are very easy to grow and adapts well to all climates. Once well rooted, it thrives from year to year, being able to re-sow spontaneously and even become invasive.

It accepts half-shade in the warmest regions but can grow best in the sun, sheltered from the wind.

It is not very demanding on the nature of the soil. It accepts any type of soil, even calcareous. The clay must be rich in organic matter to allow the daisy to bloom well. In poor soil, it can adapt itself, but the flowering can perhaps be less generous.

The daisy can do best in well-drained soil that remains cool during the summer, especially in the first years. It tolerates short drought better over time. Versatile, it blooms in naturalistic flowerbeds. Some dwarf varieties are ideal for decorating small spaces.

You can plant the daisy in spring in March-April in cold regions or in autumn in September-October everywhere else, outside of periods of frost or drought.

How to Take Care of Daisies

* In the ground

Once well planted in the sun, the daisy can manage on its own. In the first spring and summer, water it regularly, especially in periods of drought. The plant must remain fresh. After that, the plant can do without watering, except in periods of a prolonged summer drought. Remember to mulch in May to ensure that the plant remains cool enough in summer. A rather fertile soil favors its development: in spring, then during the summer, bring one or two shovels of compost to the foot of your daisy.

Regularly remove wilted flowers to initiate the appearance of new flower buds.

At the end of autumn, clean dead foliage and fold the clump 15 cm off the ground to encourage branching and flowering, especially if it shows signs of weakness. Every four to five years, in the spring or fall, divide the stumps if the plant shows signs of fatigue to restore vigor and regenerate the feet.

* In the pot

Allow the substrate to dry out between watering’s. In winter, water every ten days, without excess. Fertilize every 15 days from May to September with a unique flowering plant fertilizer added to the watering water from May to September.

The Daisy Meaning

First of all, it might seem that there could be as many meanings for daisies as there are species. However, the most accepted definitions are:

* It signifies innocence and purity, especially for white daisies with a yellow or pale center.
* It symbolizes a new beginning. Therefore, you can find it in bouquets offered to new mothers or children.
* It means true love – because each daisy is, in fact, the harmonious union of two flowers.

Reasons to Choose Daisy Bouquets in Your Marriage

Indeed, the daisy is a symbol of spring. It can be an excellent addition to your wedding theme. Who has never removed the petals of this pretty flower one by one: he loves me, a little, or a lot. Passionately! That that’s why he decided to place a ring on your finger. Now that you’ve found the right one, why don’t you honor this beautiful flower to celebrate your union?

The daisy is the perfect accessory to make a beautiful hairstyle. It can mainly brighten up golden hair, although it is suitable for all hair shades. For a spring or summer wedding, you can opt for a wreath of flowers or a few small daisies wildly sprinkled in a braid with a tousled strand of hair. For a wiser hairstyle, you can dress your bun in a beautiful veil decorated with small white daisies.

Your husband, too, can adorn himself with an elegant floral buttonhole to match the beauty of his half. For a corky touch, prefer a yellow bow tie rather than a classic tie, but if you care about your tie, you can opt for a tie clip made of wood with a little daisy drawn on it.

The daisy has a significant advantage: it makes everything it touches beautiful and pure. The same goes for the bride’s bouquet. Daisies can work wonders if you combine them with colorful woodland flowers. If you prefer classic bouquets, you can accompany daisies by white roses and a few sunflowers.

The daisy is ultimately a message of hope and renewal. Its large, pure white flowers with yellow hearts add more beauty and charm to your garden. Particularly robust, resistant to disease, it is perfectly hardy. Easy to grow and requires little: dry to fresh soil and exposure to the sun or half-shade.