Whether you know the deceased, or if it is through an acquaintance that you know, the loss of a loved one can be hard to cope with. For the person grieving, it can be hard to embrace and accept the loss. If you know someone who has suffered a tragedy, what can you do to show sympathy and support? You can send flowers because chances are if you visit the grieving person or attend the funeral service, you are going to see the space filled with floral arrangements.

This article touches on the following:

* Funeral flower do’s

* Funeral flower don’ts

* Popular Funeral flowers to send

Funeral Flower Do’s

Once you have heard about the passing of someone, whether it is someone in your own family or a friend, make sure you take the time to send your condolences but also a floral arrangement. It can be hard, and sometimes awkward to send flowers, especially if you don’t have a close relationship with the person grieving. However, if you put yourself in their shoes, you would want to know that someone is there to show support and care for you. It is for this reason, however, that when sending funeral flowers, you consider your relationship and the bond you have with the person grieving or who has experienced the loss. Still not sure if you should be sending funeral flowers, consider these relationships:

* Colleague

* Acquaintance

* Friend

* Family member

Remember, while it may feel awkward to send flowers to a colleague or an acquaintance, that gesture of sending flowers may mean a lot to them. A small act of kindness could be the support they need during this difficult time.

Are you looking to send funeral flowers to an acquaintance or a colleague, but aren’t sure if they are going to like it or if it is culturally appropriate? Don’t be afraid to ask the person grieving, or the family of the deceased if it’s okay to send flowers. Depending on their cultural practices and beliefs, they may not have a funeral service. The funeral service may be family only; therefore, the last thing you want to do is upset them even more during this difficult time.

Funeral Flower Don’ts

After considering what to do when giving funeral flowers, here are a few funeral flower don’ts you want to keep in mind.

People grieve differently; therefore, one thing you don’t want to do is tell the person to move-on. If the death was unexpected, the person could be in shock and still coming to terms with the loss. Let the person grieve on their own terms and rate. Do not rush them or tell them to get over it or move on.

Flowers are a great way of showing sympathy and compassion; however, if the family has requested no flowers or if they have asked for flowers to be sent to the home and not the funeral home – respect their wishes. While you may think you are doing them a favor by sending flowers, or a fruit basket, remember their wishes and respect it. There are other ways of showing sympathy and compassion.

Even though you may have experienced a loss in the past, remember this is not about you. This time is about your friend, colleague, or whoever has reached out to you and their feelings. It can be hard not to want to share your own coping experiences and how you personally deal with the loss. However, this is one time where you are going to need to focus on them and set your self-focus aside.

Popular Funeral Flowers to Send

Now that you have considered whether or not to send flowers, it is time to pick the funeral flower arrangement now. Here are a few popular floral choices that are sure to be appreciated.

Rose – This timeless flower is commonly associated with love and admiration; however, you can also send a bouquet of roses to someone who is grieving or for a funeral service. You can choose from red, white, or pink as a color. A rose bouquet is best given to a parent, partner, or close friend who has experienced the loss.

Gladioli – The gladioli are portrayed as a flower of strength, which is why this flower is a common funeral flower choice. Whether you choose to give it in person or at the funeral service, the gladioli is a thoughtful and straightforward flower that is sure to show your compassion and sympathy for the deceased.

Lilies – The lily can be part of a funeral floral bouquet to be displayed at the service or for the family of the deceased. Lilies can be symbolic of life and rejuvenation, which can be a nice reminder for the family members grieving.

Orchids – The orchid symbolizes passion. While it is considered and elegant and sophisticated flower, the orchid would be an ideal funeral flower for someone you may not have a close relationship with. Whether it’s the deceased or the person grieving, the orchid is a nice way of showing your compassion towards their loss. Once you have selected the flowers to send to a funeral, consider adding a personal note to them. This can be a great little add-on that is sure to be appreciated and welcomed. A kind message showing sympathy, compassion, and condolences can go a long way, especially if the person is close to you. You may wonder whose responsibility it is to send flowers for a funeral or when someone is grieving. Is it your responsibility? Should you even send flowers during this time? If you have a mutual relationship with the person who is grieving, sending flowers can be a kind gesture. It can also show you are there for support, should they need it. Think about your relationship with the person and where you are sending them. A thought like this can help you in your decision-making process.

Flowers, whether it’s an elegant floral bouquet in a vase or a single-stemmed rose, the gesture is what is going to count. For someone who has lost someone important in their life, they are going to appreciate your thoughtfulness. Remember, it isn’t about how much you spend on the flowers, or how elaborate the design – it is about the thought and the fact that you have opened yourself up as a pillar for support.