No matter where you are in the world, regardless of what language you speak, there is one language that is understood across the board. That language is the language of love, or romance. For some, they may think that when it comes to words of romance, that is only for ones partner or spouse – the truth is, love can be for anyone and everyone we care about. Why limit the ability to express your appreciation, admiration, and passion for someone?

To help when it comes to finding the perfect words, we discuss:

* Words of romance for a partner

* Words of romance for a family member

* Words of romance for a friend

* Other ways to show love

Words of Romance for a Partner

When it comes to romance and your partner, there are a few celebratory milestones one should not forget about. One such milestone is an anniversary and Valentine’s Day. Tired of simply saying, “I love you?” Fear not, here are some words of romance that is sure to woo your partner.

* Know that when I tell you I love you, I don’t just say it to say it, I say it to remind you how much you mean to me and how thankful I am for you.

* And just like that, I understood what all the love songs and poems were about. They were about you and me.

* Every morning I wake up blessed to have in you my life, and every night I go to sleep knowing that I need nothing else to be happy.

* When you fall in love, everything seems brighter. Suddenly it seems as though you can take on anything, and I know it to be true because with you by my side, I can do it all.

Words of Romance for a Family Member

Whether it is your mother, father, brother, or sister, why not shower them in love too.

* I am so thankful to have a mother who always has my best interests but more importantly, who always is there to wipe the tears away.

* I may not always like you, but I would not ask for any other brother, love you lots.

* Dad, you held my hand to walk, kissed my tears when I was hurt, and now you are about to give me away. Thank you for being the best father a girl can ask for.

* Sometimes you drive me crazy, sometimes you take my clothes, but you are the best sister to have and I am thankful for you.

Words of Romance for a Friend

Friends are kind of like extended family members. Why not also give them some love as well? Here are some words of romance for any friendship!

* You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.

* No matter what life throws you, you are the strongest person I know.

* Through thick and thin, you have always been my greatest support and fan, which is why I love you.

* I don’t know what or how you do it, but you always know how to bring the best out of people.

Other Ways to Show Love

Finding the perfect words to show how much you love is one thing but what about giving a gift that is going to also express it? Here are some great gift ideas that are sure to show that person in your life just how much you love them.

* Flowers – Whether you are looking to send flowers for Valentine’s Day or maybe orchids for an anniversary, flowers are a great gift to send to show love and affection. There are ample different types of flowers to pick from, but there are also different colors that represent different things as well. For example, if you want to send a friend some “just because” flowers, go with yellow arrangements. Yellow and orange is a floral color that represents friendship.

* Jewelry – Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. There is a reason for this statement and it is a true statement. What better way to surprise your loved one than with jewelry? From a diamond necklace to pearl earrings, think about what your plus-one might like and splurge a little bit. Is your partner not very fancy? Consider getting her a bracelet or those new-age jewelries made of silicone?

* Experience – Is there a new restaurant that your partner has been talking about? Maybe your friend has been wanting to do a paint-night? Why not surprise that person in your life with an experience? Giving an experience is one way of showing them you not only listen to what they want but you are also willing to do share in this experience with them. From a spa-day to paint-ball and axe-throwing, whatever the experience, your person is going to appreciate the gift.

* Chocolate – It may seem silly that a box of chocolate can express ones love for another person, but it does and can. Whether you choose to go with a box chocolate or even a chocolate bar, sometimes buying a Mars bar says “I love you” just as much as a box of Belgian chocolate.

When considering your gifts, remember it isn’t about how much money you spend or how big or elaborate the floral arrangement is. What is going to matter to the recipient is the thought.

Love should not just be celebrated or honored once a year or even a few times a year – it should be something we celebrate all the time. Spreading love is a great way to remind those in our lives just how much they mean to us but also the impact they have in our lives. From a parent, to a spouse, even a child and colleague – no matter who it is, why not take a moment and share some words of romance with them. Even if all you choose to say is “I love you,” or “Thank you,” whatever combination of words, don’t miss a chance to express your feelings. You just never know what can happen.