The language of flowers, commonly known as floriography, is a means of non-verbal interpersonal communication. It is used, preferably for lovers, to symbolically express feelings, wishes, requests, and complaints without words. Also, various wildflowers and floral arrangements are used to send encrypted messages, serving as a means for subjects to show feelings that otherwise could never be said.

During the Victorian Era, the floriography often involved unspoken words and symbolic gestures that consist of conveying a hidden message through flowers. Although this art has faded somewhat over time, it remains a nostalgic and particularly charming way of expressing oneself without saying a word.

Do you wish to offer a meaningful gift, inspired by floriography, but you don’t know which flowers to choose? Read this article to help you find inspiration.

You can learn the following:

* History of Floriography
* Rose Flower Meaning and Symbolism
* The Most Beautiful Flowers

History of Floriography

The so-called language of flowers, as we know it today, comes from the East. It has been used in many cultures: in Victorian times, in ancient Egypt, in the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance period. Nevertheless, during the Romanticism century, the language of flowers reached its peak.

Flowers have played an essential role in every society over the centuries. In turn, symbolized in art or poetry, presented as a gift to the gods, carried or offered as a bouquet, flowers hold an essential part in our history.

The Victorians relied on floriography to send encrypted messages of love that they could not express aloud because of the restrictive social normality of that time. Many of them walked around with their floral dictionary in hand, ready to decipher the secret messages sent by their admirers – for each flower had its particular meaning and symbolism. It seems that expressing feelings with flowers was a popular tradition in ancient Constantinople around 1600.

Each flower has its language. Each flower expresses different messages and feelings: love, friendship, and peace. We associate different meanings to their colors, names, or shapes.

Rose Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Flower arrangements in a wreath can present a complementary language, in addition to color associations. The numbering in a bouquet is also essential. For example, the number 3 can indicate a life of three, and in the case of roses, it comes as a request to have a child in a couple.

The red rose is very symbolic in the language of flowers. It symbolizes a deep and sincere feeling of affection. Its thorns were used to express both the blood of Christ and the intensity of romantic desire, while the five petals of the rose illustrate the five wounds of Christ’s crucifixion.

Universally, the rose is known as a symbol of love, but just as there are many ways of saying “I love you,” its meaning varies according to its color. On the one hand, the pink embodies deep affection, and yellow represents joy and friendship. On the other hand, the white rose is a symbol of purity, sincerity, and suggests a new beginning. It can also be a sign of spiritual love.

The message conveyed can also depend on the number of roses offered. By offering a single rose, one expresses love at first sight; five roses represent admiration, and eight roses show support to a dear one. A bouquet containing nine roses is a sign of eternal love, and the popular bouquet of twelve roses, which means “be mine,” is an invitation to make love.

The Most Beautiful Flowers

Who hasn’t ever played this famous game, “he loves me, he loves me not,” which consists of removing the leaves of a daisy one by one while reciting “A little, a lot, passionately.” The purpose is to find out how much a person loves us. This is probably the first thing we think of when we see this adorable white flower, but the daisy itself carries many meanings: it symbolizes new beginnings and true love, but also purity and sincerity. We say that a person who offers a daisy to a loved one knows how to keep a secret and you can count on him.

Like the rose, the carnation is a symbol of respect and whose meaning depends on the color. The white carnation represents faithful and pure love. It shows affection and support for someone in need. The red carnation represents sexual desire and shared passion, while the pink color symbolizes maternal love.

The sunflower, which blooms from mid to late summer, is known for its ability to thrive to the sun’s rays continually. For this reason, it symbolizes unconditional admiration. Therefore, you can offer a sunflower to your sweetheart to show how she brightens your days and to express the flame of love. More generally, you can also offer it to your loved ones as a sign of respect and appreciation.

The gardenia carries a simple but universal message: “You are adorable.” It can, therefore, be offered to your dear ones, your family, or your companion to reveal your affection. Like most white flowers, it is also a symbol of virtue, honesty, and renewal – but it is also associated with other notions such as trust, hope, protection, or self-reflection. The gardenia simply means: “You’re charming.” A compelling message to include in your Valentine’s Day gift! This white flower native to China and Japan produces an exotic scent. Gardenia extract is a liquid obtained from the flower, with naturally bright colors ranging from golden yellow to deep orange. Gardenia has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It also contains phytochemical compounds that are known to be anti-inflammatory – making it a particularly gentle and soothing ingredient for the skin.

In Greek mythology, violets symbolized luxury, loyalty, and discreet beauty. The sweet, floral, and herbaceous fragrance soothes both the body and mind. The flower has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, making it an excellent skincare ingredient.

Scabiosa is a magnetic symbol of young love. If you’ve fallen in love with someone and want to get their attention, the scabiosa can be your Cupid! With its pretty petals, nectar-rich flowers, and delicate scent, it attracts all kinds of birds and bees, and, if you’re lucky, your next conquest!

Ranunculus is a dazzling symbol of charm and enchantment. For once, don’t wait for someone to send you flowers on Valentine’s Day. Indulge yourself with a charming wreath filled with symbols that can remind you of your beauty or character traits.

Peonies are rich in feelings and emotions. They evoke protection, luck, a happy marriage, healing, romance, or honor – among others. If you’re looking for a modern way to express your love, peonies are for you! Their season hasn’t arrived yet but can be at its height in spring. The peonies are the perfect excuse to please someone (or yourself) with a bouquet of these vibrant flowers.

Celebrate love on Valentine’s Day (and throughout the year) with the most beautiful flowers! Every colorful wreath is filled with good vibes and positive feelings.

The language of flowers is not universal and may indeed differ in different parts of the world. While, as explained above, in the West, the peony is synonymous with protection and sincerity, in the East, it signifies feminine beauty. We hope that these flowers help you with your choice on various occasions. For the rest, you know your dear ones well – trust your instincts and say it with flowers!